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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Don't Be a Cheater

While a larger missive on my recent weekend in Montreal is forthcoming, I felt that this one conversation stood on its own. My friends Teddy and Adam were at a "massage parlor" around 5a.m. (It was the only place that was open has been the preferred excuse), and while they are sitting in the entry room, this strung-out looking guy starts talking to them. The conversation follows:

GUY: "Oh man... I've been up here at a bachelor party... I haven't slept for over 40 hours.... uhhh.... It's been one long blur of booze and women and coke..."

TEDDY: "Coke?! That's cheating!"

The best part was that Teddy apparently delivered the line with a huff to it implying superiority and impatience. Always be condescending to a guy on coke. Always. More on the results of their adventure (and the rest of us) are in the works.

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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