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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
This is Where We Focus Our Energy? Really?

I'm all for getting rid of laws that impede rather than protect, and that give too much discretion towards law enforcement that is motivated by quotas. This is why I support DC making its DUI levels more realistic. Currently, I could blow a breathalyzer of 0.0 and if I said I'd 'had a beer with dinner, officer' - he could arrest me and charge me with DUI. This apparently has happened in a few instances, and a Washington Post reporter wrote a story about it.

But look at this article. Emergency Legislation! "DC is back Open for Business!" Government reacts quickly to outrage! etc. It just makes me so sad. This kind of thing can get through in a day, but the smoking ban is bottled up year after year. Hell, look at this page and click on any of the Crime & Justice links, and there are obviously a lot of other things that deserve this level of diligence and intervention. But no. People are screaming for blood because they might get arrested for having more than one beer, not that 7 people were killed over the weekend in a span of 48 hours. "We can't limit ourselves to one drink while the Council looks at the language and holds hearings to weigh both sides of the issue! We demand action! Murders and suffering must wait! Wine and Beer!"

I need a drink.

Friday, October 14, 2005
What I've Learned

Esquire Magazine is asking its readers to supply them with content for their monthly What I've Learned section. They do this once a year and it's usally pretty cool when published. So I sent in a few nuggets of knowledge from my very small vault:

-Teachers and people who work in Nursing Homes are not in it for the money.

-I met a girl when I was in middle school. Years later in high school I just knew that I would marry her someday. The lesson here is at any age, you should trust your gut. Just ask my wife.

-Music Industry take notice: I wrote a song from the perspective of Bob Euker's (fictional) illegitimate son, and people actually sing a long at my open mic shows. That is how desperate people are for music that has not been filtered through 15 A&R guys, 12 songwriters, 3 studio doctors and a guest rapper.

-People who like only punk rock can't sing.

-Often I look in my cupboards and can only identify the things I don't want to eat. Then I think about people on this planet who would actually kill another person for just some of what I have in my cupboard alone. Those nights I say grace over Campbell's Tomato Soup and grilled cheese.

-There's a reason they won't give you administrative rights to your work computer, you pervert.

-I once gave a disabled Nobel Peace Prize Winner a piggyback around Washington DC, and you know what he wanted to do? Look for weed.

-I for one welcome our new Google Overlords.

Are Those our Wheels Back There?

This isn't from some blog or anything. Just two quotes I found from yesterday:

"People are interested to know why I picked Harriet Miers," he said. "They want to know Harriet Miers' background. They want to know as much as they possibly can before they form opinions. Part of Harriet Miers' life is her religion."
President Bush October 13, 2005

In a testy exchange with reporters Thursday, McClellan complained that coverage of the nomination has ignored Miers' "record and qualifications" to focus on "side issues" such as her religion.
Scott McClellen October 13, 2005

Let's try to stay on message people! Or Joe America is gonna figure out that things are being run by the incompotents and yes-men, because our ruthless-yet-effective assbags are busy fighting their own indictments and subpoena's...

unrelated: my postings have been scant as of late. While it is not because I hate the 3 other people who read this enlightening piece of the internet, it is mainly due to an increased workload, and writing recaps for fantasy football leagues. I am ashamed.

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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