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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Friday, April 29, 2005
At the Races

So my dad is kicking around the Hockenheim Grand Prix in Germany with his buddies and decide they need a better view of the races. Apparently their thought process went like this: "I bet if we just walked out onto the track with cameras, no one would say anything." Today, they would've been assaulted by beefy security dudes, pinned to the ground, and beaten like Access Hollywood paparazzi.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

There are more cool ones of the cars, drivers, etc. but I don't have them scanned yet.

Take a look at how much has changed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Dad's Pictures

During his tour in Uncle Sam's Army, my father saw a lot of the world. He spent a lot of time stationed in Germany, did his time in Vietnam, and then instead of rushing back to the states, decided to take the long way home via the rest of the world. Not only did this probably enable him greater ability to adjust when he got back, but it gave him a chance to see the entire world in the prime of his life.

According to my mother, at one point in his life my Dad was thinking of becoming a professional photographer. And I think as we see more, you all might agree he had the chops (all photos were developed by him, so if you have a problem with the quality take it up with him). So in an effort to let others see some of these amazing photos from the world (Germany, India, Afghanistan, UK) during a different time of war, and for me to learn more about my dad and his roamings, I will be putting up a picture now and then accompanied by my dad's memories about the image. He's pretty good at replying to emails, so hopefully, he'll have lots to say. However, right now he is at the Grand Canyon with my mom, so I am putting up two of my favorites that require little explanation.

The first is probably my all time favorite photo of his. A boat taking on water in the Bosporous Strait:

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

The next photo is my current desktop. He took this in Germany, but can't remember how he got into such a good position. It took me a few times before I even noticed the kid in the window. On the back of the picture he wrote, "Don't know why, but I like this one." Me too.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

So that's it. Many more on the way. I'm kind of excited about this little project.

Vin Diesel and Hot Rock Chicks

Because you deserve knowledge (refresh for new facts).

I got this link via the second place finisher for the Sports Guy Intern Contest, whose name is Theresa MacDonald (from Washington, DC). There is a "girl band" (their definition, not mine) from DC called Full Minute of Mercury that used to have a lead singer of the same name. Why do I even mention this? Uhhh... cause she was ridiculously hot (center).

Is it the same person? I don't think so, but maybe. Sleuths may want to compare that with her from the intern contest. After that, clean your hands in the sink over and over to wash off the creepiness of looking up strangers on the net.

UPDATE (july 05): It is indeed Ms. MacDonald, who was kind enough to inform us herself, that she is.... uhhhhh.... herself.

Friday, April 22, 2005
Jesus Demands a Flat Tax too.

via Kos:
However, on religious issues there can be little or no compromise. There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.'
-- Sen. Barry Goldwater (R)

The argument can be made that most issue groups 'are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these groups on a particular issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both.' -It's the invoking of a higher power I find distasteful. That and the folks who seemed to have hijacked conservatism seem to pay a whole lot more attention to two lines from Leviticus than the entire New Testament, or eliminating poverty. Where is Focus on the Family on this? Abject poverty is ruining the lives of families much more than two chicks getting it on.

The founders wanted limited Government, not hall monitors.

One More Way to Mess With People

This is awesome. A guy created a way for only you to hear noise instead of it being dispersed throughout a location.

"There's no speaker, but when I point this pad at you, you will hear the waterfall," said the 63-year-old Californian.

And one by one, each person in the audience did, and smiled widely.

Norris' HyperSonic Sound system has won him an award coveted by inventors - the $500,000 annual Lemelson-MIT Prize. It works by sending a focused beam of sound above the range of human hearing. When it lands on you, it seems like sound is coming from inside your head.

But while I think of all the cool implications (and there are many as he explains), I have to say I know people who would certainly use it for evil. Think of all the older brothers who would torture their younger siblings, or their teachers/authority figures.

It may be better suited to convincing fundamentalist terrorists that you are God and that they should surrender. In an hour. Once the networks' get their cameras set up.

Until there is a way of identifying where the sound is coming from, this is one way to absolutely freak out people, young and old. It's the equivalent of a pen light in the eye... but you know - in the brain - and it won't stop playing "Dancing Queen." I have enough trouble getting songs out of my head. I don't need any help, jackass.

Friday, April 15, 2005
Uninentional Comedy Competition

A new reigning champ? Who is this elder who poses competition to the dynamic one? Pat Sajak. Yes. PAT "The Wheel" SAJAK. Who, must hence be known as "The Sage." His disclaimer tells us his writings contain things that are "political in nature." His disclaimer should also point out that he is a dumbass:

Then along came Tom DeLay, the Senate Majority Whip. Some questions of ethics have arisen, and the Democrats have gone into Full Villain Mode.

The Sage has just added an extra 4 years to Mr. Delay's term (but demoted him). Now that's political! And though I am still researching this, I am pretty sure Voltron could go into Full Villain Mode too.

Check out his archives

Curse you Internet Goons!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005
New Busine$$ Plan

I read with interest that airports are now going to ban cigarette lighters. I find this interesting since they can't even find my mom's scissors, but that's another problem. My main thoughts: how can I exploit this new ban to my financial gain? And I have part of that answer.

I will set up a large comically-oversized "take a penny, leave a penny" box that will hold lighters instead of pennies. When you go to the airport, ditch your lighter in the box and at the next airport, pick out a new one from a box when you leave. Think of all the cool new lighters you can experience! Plus all of the germs that can get passed!

I don't know where the financial gain comes from though. I also have a problem making smokers' smoking lives easier. How about this: I'll set this thing up if you agree to restaraunt and bar smoking bans? Or better yet, I won't jam that thing into your eye when you light up next to me and I'm trying to talk to someone.

You know, for an idea man, I can be very hostile.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Best Quote

I don't think I ever had a quote board in college. But I did have a lot of ridiculous friends who said a lot of dumb things. And I love them for that. This morning I was on the train and I saw a guy who looked like my friend John. I started grinning mostly because when I think of John, I always think of a line he heard one of my friends say and remembers to this day.

SCENE: It is the spring of my junior year of college, and the morning after "Cannonfest," which was a gathering of 800 people (or 100 for every state cruiser it turned out) on my front lawn. The event, named after an old civil war cannon gracing the front lawn, drew people out to Madbury NH (off campus! gasp!) from campus and literally throughout New England (the party was named one of the top 10 events at UNH that year). A friend of mine brought his band and rocked our house for 2 effing hours. They were at one point interrupted by a former roomate of mine who got tired of demanding Sublime covers and grabbed the mic and oozed out some vowels that we think were intended to be "What I Got." But that is a mystery for the ages. At this point an old psycho guy on a motorcycle who was on his way to a pig roast (only in NH), tried to drive his chopper into my basement. In other words, good party.

Anyway, back to the scene. Bodies are strewn everywhere across my living room, wrapped in blankets and blanket-like substitutes (carpets work). I somehow get downstairs (is it 6am? Noon? The truth may never be known) and overhear this conversation:

Guy #1: Oh man. I am SO hungry.... Screw Breakfast. I want mashed potatoes. Oh a plate of mashed potatoes would be so awesome....

Guy #2: Not with my dick in it.


Guy #1: I'm so hungry, I'd eat around the dick.

A few seconds later, all of the blankets begin shaking, and eventually burst out in hangover-be-damned laughter. The various cocoons of friends and strangers just keep laughing and I am sitting on the stairs smoking a Benson & Hedges reminding myself to remember this moment. The best part? We have no idea who said it. It needs no attribution though.

Epilogue: Former "vowel-concerned" roomate wakes up and has to drive all the way back up to norther NH in his boxers. Why? His pants were in the oven.

Monday, April 11, 2005
Expedition Into a Freakin' Eye, Man

You say Tornado, I say Tornahdo. You know that plastic slip cover that goes on your grandparents' couch so that it keeps dirt off the furniture (Not only is it comfortable and does it look cool, but it's a cheaper alternative to cryogenically freezing the thing so that it can be used 400 years from now when the only currency is old couches)?

Anyway, this is the auto-equivalent of such a thing. But would you put that couch into a tornado? Well, maybe, but regardless, this slip-cover is designed for the daredevil-scientist in you. It used to be that daredevil scientists were pure fiction, meant to be played by the likes of Jeff Goldblum in movies of questionable quality. That is no longer. You, the amateur tornado-buff can hop in this car and drive into a tornado in the name of science and insanity.

It's billed as "a made for TV reality adventure." What could possibly go wrong?

In other news, I have this homemade suit and I'm gonna go huck myself off a cliff as an amateur scientist interested in gravity.

Friday, April 08, 2005
Recommended Reading

This is an incredible essay. It is haunting, yet allows room for awkward compassion. Just very well done.

Read the guy's bio. I wish I could write anything like that, let alone a description of my life.

Thursday, April 07, 2005
I admit it. It was me.

I just can't take it anymore. I had to vent. I sent it to a few friends, but due to the unexpected and overwhelming response from strangers, I am willing to concede that others might actually find my suffering entertaining.

Monday, April 04, 2005
My Hero

Oh. It hurts. My sides. My face. At some point laughing so hard isn't enjoyable. This man forces you into such a state:

Steve, Don't Eat It

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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