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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Of the Day

Best Gun-Toting, Terrorist-Thwarting, Santa. (via Oliver Willis)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
New Running Item Department: OF THE WEEK/ OF THE DAY

"Of the Week/ Of the Day" is an attempt to add more content to this site, even if it is little. There's no rule that I have to say anything thought-provoking or funny or anything like that. In fact, I should be sharing what makes me laugh.

So file under "Of the Day":

Best Photo and Best Caption.

The List is Life - Non-Music Edition

Top 5 Books for 2005 (that were not Harry Potter)

Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose. I think I read this once every two or three years. It is one of the finest stories ever told. Period.

Independence Day by Richard Ford. One of those books where you honestly believe every single word was carefully selected to fit right where it is. Nothing particularly exciting happens I guess, but for the way it is crafted and told, you can see why it won the Pulitzer for fiction.

Abraham Lincoln - Speeches and Writings 1859-1865. There was a time when our national leaders were eloquent, smart, and honorable. Seriously.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. What a strange and engaging book. Oh and by the way, Siobhan is pronounced Shi-von, not Si-ob-han. Who knew.

Honorable Mentions: Blink (Galdwell), What I Loved (Hustvedt), and the Amber Spyglass (Pullman).

Top 2 Movies (That were not Harry Potter)

Anchorman. And you know what? If you don't like it, you can just go back to your home on Whore Island.

All the President's Men. I've said this before, but part of the reason you wonder why this movie feels different is because it does. There is very little frantic NYPD-Blue-ish camera bouncy-bouncy stuff. In fact, there is a scene where the camera slowly pans in on Woodward/Redford for about 3-4 full minutes. And it is suspenseful. So cool.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I Threw My Camera Around and All I Got Was This Fly Picture

After reading this article in the Washington Post this past Sunday, I decided to try my shot at "camera tossing." It's not that hard once you get beyond the fact that every time you throw the camera in the air, there is a chance you will not catch it and your wife will yell at you.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

To top it off, I did these in my office today. I want to try now to move to the outside world of traffic, the metro, and other areas. What's interesting is that I normally do cool things on accident anyway. This is just a medium that accepts that very premise and exploits it.

UPDATE: all subsequent cameratosses can be found here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
My List - Music version

Here's the music related part of my list. Please feel free to add TOP 5 WEBSITES of 2005 as well. In the comments section, or email us here. We'll post what we get (for the most part).

Top Five Albums of 2005

* In Between Dreams, Jack Johnson - first heard this March. It is the soundtrack to EVERY weekend morning in our house.

* Everyone Deserves Music, Michael Franti & Spearhead - I wish more people knew about them, but thank god they don't.

* Has Been, William Shatner - best download of the year? I say yes.

* Songs for Silverman, Ben Folds - the only CD I ordered and bought all year.

* X&Y, Coldplay - you know what? I hated it to when it came out. But now it's awesome. Go figure.

Top Ten Songs of 2005 (go and download the top 5 from iTunes now)

* To Be Young - Ryan Adams

* Better Together - Jack Johnson

* Boogie On Reggae Woman - Stevie Wonder

* California - Phantom Planet (Stupid OC. I hate you)

* Give Judy My Notice - Ben Folds

* Ya'll Ain't Ready - Kevin Federline

* Why Can't We Be Friends - W.A.R.

* O Fortuna - Carl Orff (From Carmina Burana)

* Apple Scruffs - George Harrison

* Singing in My Sleep - Semisonic (I know, I know)

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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