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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Nathaniel is in Afghanistan

One of my closest and dearest friends is in Afghanistan for a few weeks working on a humanitarian mission with Oxfam. He is easily one of the smartest and funniest people I have ever known. I thought I'd share his emails as I get them:

From: Nathaniel Raymond
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 09:13:35 -0400

Subject: If New York is the city that never sleeps...

...Kabul is the city that never showers. Greetings from Kalishnikov city, AFG!

I have slept six hours in the past 48, Kenny and I are safe and sound but speaking in tongues and having visitations from dead relatives that only we can see.

There will be an entry in our new blog called "Dispatches" up on the Oxfam America website either tomorrow or by the end of today. Pass the link around to folks you know because I work on commission.

I will send out more "candid" updates if and when I get time. But I feel safe and everything is copacetic for now, though nobody speaks English.

They speak beard.

My camel chalupa is getting cold.

United we drool,


If you want to see a longer letter from his Amman, Jordan mission go HERE and scroll down to Friday, March 12 (it's hysterical and sad). It's my old website, so have a heart and don't cringe so much, OK?

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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