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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The RoT Editorial Board herby throws its combined negative net worth and influence behind Sen John Kerry (D - MA). This decision is largely based on a conclusion that we can say bad things about Kerry without concerns of a potentional libel suit and the threat of litigiation from here until our grandchildren grow old. We are very concerned about being sued and spent many hours worrying about this. Additionally, we want a president a little less sensitive to crticism. Also one who can pronounce "nu-clear."

To you undecideds (none of which read this website): we're hearing a lot of people who dislike both candidates and are in that "stick with the devil you know, instead of the devil you don't know" mode. Riddle us this: what would the president have to do to lose your vote? Seriously. That question blows the RoT Editorial Boards's mind. What hasn't he already done to lose it?

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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