Diamond Don has a beef with the New England sports fans.
So, the Redsox and the Pats. Four productive years in the last century and these people turn into the very thing they hate - NY fans. Only worse, because it's like NY fans with a chip on their shoulders. At least New York has a rich tradition. At least the Yankees fanbs embrace their high payroll as their owners desire to win, whereas at #2 and only slighly behind, Saux nation denies it.
This deserves some rebuttal. But first, it also deserves clarification. What Don's full post lacks is
"Disclosure: I am a Philadelphia Eagles fan. I too suffer from the unrelenting sting of sports failure, having watched the mighty Eagles choke in three consecutive NFC Championships. I loathe the people of New England, for their teams have begun to return to their winning traditions (1980's), and yet my beloved team continues to choke on the precipice of victory. Once more we stand in the familiar situation of an NFC Championship, and I remain plauged by a history I cannot forget or forgive, much like every Boston fan from 1918 to 2004. I want to feel confidence, but there is so much doubt. I join fans of the White Sox and Cubs in hating the fans of New England - they have gotten their spoils. Where are ours???"
I take strong issue with the comment about the absence of tradition and not embracing our ownership. Take Yaz, Jim Rice, Babe Ruth (for better and worse), Johnny Pesky, and Teddy-freakin-Ballgame and if you don't get "tradition," then I don't know what tradition is. And hey - our ownership is the best in baseball. Our fans know that. The ownership does not secretly despise its fans or its staff (ask Cashman), and took the world series trophy on tour to us fans across the country - which I think had bigger shows than most reunited bands this year.
It is also important to realize that New England fans have but one home team to share amongst several states - unlike NY or PA - with their two/three football teams and two baseball teams, etc. Statistically, we have fewer chance of a home team being in a position to win than states like that.
Lastly, yeah we have a bit of chip on our shoulder when it comes to the Pats this year. Because somehow a 14-2 team has only TWO people going to the Pro-Bowl. That is unreal. Everyone said Indy would clean our closets. I too had my doubts and I regret those doubts. I shall not question our ability to win games. I understand Faith now, thanks to the Sox.
I believe teams mirror their fans. READ THIS. Then you will see, Diamond Don, what it's like to be a New England fan. We are protective of our players. It's not that we believe we are better than anyone else, it's that WE BELIEVE WE ARE BETTER THAN WE EVER HAVE BEEN. And that feels wicked good.
(Jones is gonna love this).