According to my mother, at one point in his life my Dad was thinking of becoming a professional photographer. And I think as we see more, you all might agree he had the chops (all photos were developed by him, so if you have a problem with the quality take it up with him). So in an effort to let others see some of these amazing photos from the world (Germany, India, Afghanistan, UK) during a different time of war, and for me to learn more about my dad and his roamings, I will be putting up a picture now and then accompanied by my dad's memories about the image. He's pretty good at replying to emails, so hopefully, he'll have lots to say. However, right now he is at the Grand Canyon with my mom, so I am putting up two of my favorites that require little explanation.
The first is probably my all time favorite photo of his. A boat taking on water in the Bosporous Strait:
The next photo is my current desktop. He took this in Germany, but can't remember how he got into such a good position. It took me a few times before I even noticed the kid in the window. On the back of the picture he wrote, "Don't know why, but I like this one." Me too.
So that's it. Many more on the way. I'm kind of excited about this little project.