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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Monday, April 11, 2005
Expedition Into a Freakin' Eye, Man

You say Tornado, I say Tornahdo. You know that plastic slip cover that goes on your grandparents' couch so that it keeps dirt off the furniture (Not only is it comfortable and does it look cool, but it's a cheaper alternative to cryogenically freezing the thing so that it can be used 400 years from now when the only currency is old couches)?

Anyway, this is the auto-equivalent of such a thing. But would you put that couch into a tornado? Well, maybe, but regardless, this slip-cover is designed for the daredevil-scientist in you. It used to be that daredevil scientists were pure fiction, meant to be played by the likes of Jeff Goldblum in movies of questionable quality. That is no longer. You, the amateur tornado-buff can hop in this car and drive into a tornado in the name of science and insanity.

It's billed as "a made for TV reality adventure." What could possibly go wrong?

In other news, I have this homemade suit and I'm gonna go huck myself off a cliff as an amateur scientist interested in gravity.

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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