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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Thursday, April 14, 2005
New Busine$$ Plan

I read with interest that airports are now going to ban cigarette lighters. I find this interesting since they can't even find my mom's scissors, but that's another problem. My main thoughts: how can I exploit this new ban to my financial gain? And I have part of that answer.

I will set up a large comically-oversized "take a penny, leave a penny" box that will hold lighters instead of pennies. When you go to the airport, ditch your lighter in the box and at the next airport, pick out a new one from a box when you leave. Think of all the cool new lighters you can experience! Plus all of the germs that can get passed!

I don't know where the financial gain comes from though. I also have a problem making smokers' smoking lives easier. How about this: I'll set this thing up if you agree to restaraunt and bar smoking bans? Or better yet, I won't jam that thing into your eye when you light up next to me and I'm trying to talk to someone.

You know, for an idea man, I can be very hostile.

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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