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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Friday, April 22, 2005
One More Way to Mess With People

This is awesome. A guy created a way for only you to hear noise instead of it being dispersed throughout a location.

"There's no speaker, but when I point this pad at you, you will hear the waterfall," said the 63-year-old Californian.

And one by one, each person in the audience did, and smiled widely.

Norris' HyperSonic Sound system has won him an award coveted by inventors - the $500,000 annual Lemelson-MIT Prize. It works by sending a focused beam of sound above the range of human hearing. When it lands on you, it seems like sound is coming from inside your head.

But while I think of all the cool implications (and there are many as he explains), I have to say I know people who would certainly use it for evil. Think of all the older brothers who would torture their younger siblings, or their teachers/authority figures.

It may be better suited to convincing fundamentalist terrorists that you are God and that they should surrender. In an hour. Once the networks' get their cameras set up.

Until there is a way of identifying where the sound is coming from, this is one way to absolutely freak out people, young and old. It's the equivalent of a pen light in the eye... but you know - in the brain - and it won't stop playing "Dancing Queen." I have enough trouble getting songs out of my head. I don't need any help, jackass.

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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