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someone said

i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Friday, April 15, 2005
Uninentional Comedy Competition

A new reigning champ? Who is this elder who poses competition to the dynamic one? Pat Sajak. Yes. PAT "The Wheel" SAJAK. Who, must hence be known as "The Sage." His disclaimer tells us his writings contain things that are "political in nature." His disclaimer should also point out that he is a dumbass:

Then along came Tom DeLay, the Senate Majority Whip. Some questions of ethics have arisen, and the Democrats have gone into Full Villain Mode.

The Sage has just added an extra 4 years to Mr. Delay's term (but demoted him). Now that's political! And though I am still researching this, I am pretty sure Voltron could go into Full Villain Mode too.

Check out his archives

Curse you Internet Goons!!!!

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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