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i wish i were an optimist but it probably wouldn't work out

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
High Fidelity Challenge: Top 5 Albums You Must Hear From Start to Finish

I am a slacker. I was writing out the stuff for this post, but it was getting long, and I just could not find the right words. Fortunately, relatively well compensated music journalists have already done what I am doing. So while I may add a line or two here and there, follow the links for a decent synopsis as to why these 8 albums (5 was too hard)

1. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Wow. Lucas picked the Beatles. It sucks you in from the first moment, and ebbs and flows appropriately in all the right places. It is still not only the best concept album, but the songs are unbelievable and stand on their own as well. Exhausted at the end, "A Day in the Life" almost sighs, but not before unleashing sonic hell through an orchestra in one final, adrenaline induced moment. I also believe this album must be listened to from start to finish (or backwards for Paul-is-Dead messages), because it represents the climax of a legendary rivalry. The Beatles released Rubber Soul, which in turn inspired the breathtaking album "Pet Sounds" by the Beach Boys, which then prompted the Beatles to compose Sgt. Pepper's. Every note and arrangement in this album displays a drive to create the best that ever is/was. This is the end product of genius begetting genius begetting genius.

Van Morrisson - Astral Weeks. The album has a loose jam feel throughout and it is rumored that Van Morrisson and the band improvised most of the songs on the fly in one take. The song “Sweet Thing” featured early on makes me feel young the same way orange soda does, and the album allows me to stay there throughout. A truly remarkable piece all of the way through.

3. Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced? He opened for the Monkees for a short time. That still makes me smile. This album flows like a greatest hits record. Unreal.

4. Radiohead - The Bends. Remember when Radiohead would release songs that you could make out the words too and didn't sound like someone was fiddling with the radio on a long car trip? Watershed album right here folks. Flows like a good, angry, sullen, redeeming book.

5. The Beatles - The White Album. When I am angry with my friends, plans fall apart, projects don't get done, etc. How is it in music this seems to result in masterpieces? Please explain. This is an album that doesn't feel coherent until the last note. Then you wait ten minutes and it all feels right.

6. Pink Floyd - The Wall. Simply put: frightening. One of the few albums that I like ebst for the break in the middle, namely "Vera." My favorite song on the album.

7. Paul Simon - Graceland. It is not a coincidence that the albums which contain the best opening lines also fall into my lists of incredible albums you need to hear start to finish.

8. Jabbering Trout - Swell. Tom Burris writes amazing songs. This was one of those bands you knew in your heart would make it, and then just never did. It was a guitarist and drummer and that's it. The album was intended to be a Musical, and it never materialized. I like that I can only guess at the plot twists in between songs.

Honorable Mentions:
-Grateful Dead - American Beauty
-Green Day - Dookie (I remember loving this album... yes jones, I am a poseur.)
-Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister
-Ben Folds Five - Whatever & Ever Amen
-Talking Heads - Remain in Light
-Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
-Frank Sinatra - One Night in Paris (NOT the movie featuring Ms. Hilton. Though were Frank alive, he might be a part of both).

Insert your suggestions in the comments. If I like them, I may... well, honestly I probably won't do anything, but you'll feel good about yourself for having tried.

Iraq's Inappropriate Appropriation: Thumbs Up!

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