As you may or may not have noticed, we have added advertisements to this site. We have done this for one reason only: to make mad moolah off the poor souls who have read, or inexplicably continue to read this site. And having done the math, jones and i are gonna be making some serious paper.
By my calculations, jones and i are going to be able to afford luxury cars. However, it will come down to this: Do we split the profits or do we let one of us buy a car, followed by the other?. Methinks a recipe for disaster is brewing - 2 parts friendship, 1 part cash-money, and 1 part IRS. Delicious.
The good news is that we have plenty of time to work this out, as currently it will take roughly 3,864.73 years for us to make enough money to buy said vehicles, making the year 5689 our target date for our drag race. That's assuming we can avoid paying taxes that long. And that inflation is kept in check. And that the US dollar still exsits. And that old people are still aloud to drive at dangerous ages.