Here's the music related part of my list. Please feel free to add TOP 5 WEBSITES of 2005 as well. In the comments section, or email us here. We'll post what we get (for the most part).
Top Five Albums of 2005
* In Between Dreams, Jack Johnson - first heard this March. It is the soundtrack to EVERY weekend morning in our house.
* Everyone Deserves Music, Michael Franti & Spearhead - I wish more people knew about them, but thank god they don't.
* Has Been, William Shatner - best download of the year? I say yes.
* Songs for Silverman, Ben Folds - the only CD I ordered and bought all year.
* X&Y, Coldplay - you know what? I hated it to when it came out. But now it's awesome. Go figure.
Top Ten Songs of 2005 (go and download the top 5 from iTunes now)
* To Be Young - Ryan Adams
* Better Together - Jack Johnson
* Boogie On Reggae Woman - Stevie Wonder
* California - Phantom Planet (Stupid OC. I hate you)
* Give Judy My Notice - Ben Folds
* Ya'll Ain't Ready - Kevin Federline
* Why Can't We Be Friends - W.A.R.
* O Fortuna - Carl Orff (From Carmina Burana)
* Apple Scruffs - George Harrison
* Singing in My Sleep - Semisonic (I know, I know)